Friday, September 17, 2010

Apple iPad Sim Card Contracts

The Apple iPad is the latest invention by Apple Inc and from the numerous sales it has generated in a short period of time, it look like it has been very well received. The iPad has been released in two version. The entry-level version is WiFi enabled, which means you need to be in a wireless network location  to access the internet. The higher end version, features both WiFi and 3G. 3G means that if a wireless connection is not available, you will still be able to access the web from you iPad.
However, the iPad 3G is not for free. In order to be able to access this connection, you will need a 3G sim card. This is basically a mobile broadband connection for your Apple iPad. The card takes the place of your wireless router or usb dongle and will give you the ability to stay connected no matter where you are.
There are four main networks in the UK which are offering iPad sim cards. These are, Three Mobile, Orange, Vodafone and O2. All four providers offer various sim card offers which can last one day, one week or one month. A couple of networks also offer pay as you go. How the pay as you option works, is that you get a iPad sim card with a set amount of data allowance, which can be 1GB up to 3GB. The only catch is, you have to use your data allowance within a certain period of time. The expiry date is between 1 week and 3 months.
An alternative to pay as you go, is the one month sim card. This will give you between 1GB and 10GB worth of data to use each month and the contract is rolling. What this means is, if you are not happy after one month, the contract will continue, but you can just give them one months notice and cancel the 3G plan. So, I guess in effective they are really two month contracts.
What type of Apple iPad contract you go for, will depend on your estimated usage. If you are a light user, then consider a pay as you go or the 1GB or 3GB a month contracts. For medium or heavy users, you will be better off going for a 5GB or 10GB 3G data plan. Of course, you can go over the allowance, but be aware you will be charged per extra MB you use. Because of this, if you are border line, you might better off going for the higher level 3G plan.
If you what to find out where you can get best deals, take a look at iPad Sim Cards. This website compare all the iPad sim card deals available in the UK, from providers such as Vodafone, O2, Orange and Three Mobile. You will also be able to read a number of iPad 3G Reviews.

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