Saturday, September 11, 2010

Website Password Protection Made Easy

If you have any area of a website that you would not want the whole world to see, then you need to setup website password protection. Without doing so anyone can access any information you have there, potentially costing you huge amounts of money!
Although website password protection may at first seem like a complex subject, requiring lots of technical know how and skill, it is actually possible to setup a very strong level of protection for just a few dollars without hardly even knowing what you are doing.
With just a few lines of JavaScript and the right software program (such as the splendid CoffeeCup Password Wizard for less than 20 dollars) you can create a members area that no one can view without entering a username and password that you create.
Setting up this level of website password protection is incredibly simple, and the CoffeeCup Password Wizard website even has a free member's forum with lots of useful information to help you out should you get stuck.
Essentially though all you will do is use the software to design your own login box. You will choose the colour you want for it, and also the text labels for each box, such as "login username" or "member name" whatever you like.
Also add a label for the text field below it which is for the actual password. You can use this software to create multiple potential usernames and passwords, but it's simplest to just use the one username and password for all those you wish to access the specific pages, and then just change it once a month or whatever time scale you prefer.
You will then upload the image of your login box, plus the login page you have created and any other pages you wish to keep hidden, to your website, and let everyone know the URL of the login page, plus remember to give out the username and password to those you want to allow access.
Each of the pages you create that you wish to keep hidden from general view will have a little bit of JavaScript code within them that prevents a browser from displaying them, unless they have been loaded straight from the login page.
Even if someone knew the URL of the hidden page, they could not later return to it without going through the login process once more.
This type of website password protection requires that someone wishing to access these pages enters in the exact username and password each time they want to view a page, and can only access that page after going through the login procedure.
They cannot access the hidden pages without doing, and can be prevented from doing so simply by changing either the username and password for access, and simply not being informed of the change.
Your only decision is whether or not to create multiple username and password combinations for all of the people that you would like to allow access to your website, or whether it's best to just make the one username and password for all concerned.
Just making the one would be less work, but would allow anyone with access to it to access your password protected pages, at least until such time as you change them again that is.
Using this type of website password protection is really the easiest way for someone not used to such complex coding to create a secure website without incurring massive expense, and can provide you with a sleek, professional looking private member experience.
Your website visitors will be very likely to appreciate the extra effort you have used to give them a private members area, and so this will pay dividends in future.
Paul Friar wants you to discover the secrets of securing your own website when you start a home based business online, via the info from his website password protection made easy tips. When you use, you will understand how to use the best strategies for making an easy, safe website. To begin discovering these techniques right now, simply visit today for more information.
If you have any area of a website that you would not want the whole world to see, then you need to setup website password protection. Without doing so anyone can access any information you have there, potentially costing you huge amounts of money!
Although website password protection may at first seem like a complex subject, requiring lots of technical know how and skill, it is actually possible to setup a very strong level of protection for just a few dollars without hardly even knowing what you are doing.
With just a few lines of JavaScript and the right software program (such as the splendid CoffeeCup Password Wizard for less than 20 dollars) you can create a members area that no one can view without entering a username and password that you create.
Setting up this level of website password protection is incredibly simple, and the CoffeeCup Password Wizard website even has a free member's forum with lots of useful information to help you out should you get stuck.
Essentially though all you will do is use the software to design your own login box. You will choose the colour you want for it, and also the text labels for each box, such as "login username" or "member name" whatever you like.
Also add a label for the text field below it which is for the actual password. You can use this software to create multiple potential usernames and passwords, but it's simplest to just use the one username and password for all those you wish to access the specific pages, and then just change it once a month or whatever time scale you prefer.
You will then upload the image of your login box, plus the login page you have created and any other pages you wish to keep hidden, to your website, and let everyone know the URL of the login page, plus remember to give out the username and password to those you want to allow access.
Each of the pages you create that you wish to keep hidden from general view will have a little bit of JavaScript code within them that prevents a browser from displaying them, unless they have been loaded straight from the login page.
Even if someone knew the URL of the hidden page, they could not later return to it without going through the login process once more.
This type of website password protection requires that someone wishing to access these pages enters in the exact username and password each time they want to view a page, and can only access that page after going through the login procedure.
They cannot access the hidden pages without doing, and can be prevented from doing so simply by changing either the username and password for access, and simply not being informed of the change.
Your only decision is whether or not to create multiple username and password combinations for all of the people that you would like to allow access to your website, or whether it's best to just make the one username and password for all concerned.
Just making the one would be less work, but would allow anyone with access to it to access your password protected pages, at least until such time as you change them again that is.
Using this type of website password protection is really the easiest way for someone not used to such complex coding to create a secure website without incurring massive expense, and can provide you with a sleek, professional looking private member experience.
Your website visitors will be very likely to appreciate the extra effort you have used to give them a private members area, and so this will pay dividends in future.
Paul Friar wants you to discover the secrets of securing your own website when you start a home based business online, via the info from his website password protection made easy tips. When you use, you will understand how to use the best strategies for making an easy, safe website. To begin discovering these techniques right now, simply visit today for more information.

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