Sunday, September 12, 2010

Google's Chrome, a Coincidence?

With a launch of Google Chrome, multi-million dollar company 'Google' has entered into web browser war. It has a share of about one percent of the browser market. This browser was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows a couple of days ago September 2, 2008. The name Google Chrome is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. Chromium is the open source project which plays an important role behind Google Chrome. This web browser is released under the BSD license. The Google Chrome implements the same feature set, but has a slightly different logo. The best part of this project is that it supports Mozilla's Firefox. As a matter of fact, Google will be supporting Mozilla Firefox till 2011.
The basic design goals are better in terms of security, speed and stability when compared to existing browsers. Is Chorme's launch a simple coincidence? Is the launch date random?
As Internet Explorer owns almost 85% of the browsers market and Firefox around 10%, Google's move is intended to irritate Microsoft. But this will come with a cost. The release date was chosen very close to the release of Firefox for a very simple reason: Firefox 3 is full of bugs and it's crashing at least once per day. Firefox fixed many of them on so, the majority of Firefox 3 users will get pissed off and they migrate to Chrome and not IE.
This is the cost Google will pay for pushing Chrome. They will lose Firefox users, but that was the plan: Google doesn't own Firefox, but it 100% owns Chrome, so they will sacrifice the first born.
There will be a decrease in the number of Firefox users in favor of Chrome and that will be not so nice for Firefox owners.
Rohit is an expert in dealing with SEO Marketing. If you have any queries about affordable seo services then visit:

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