Sunday, September 12, 2010

iPhone 4G Protects You Against Cancer!

There have been much news in the media that mobile phones cause cancer and can be real harmful as the radiations are seriously dangerous for the people. These radiations cause damage to your cell and then you get them replicated all around the body. For some of the people, this can be seriously dangerous while others might survive to live their whole life. We wonder if the smartphone's manufacturers are implementing anything of this sort but yes, Apple has made its move to counter cancer. This news has not been made official as yet but there are a few technical developments in the structure of the mobile phone that do refer to this.
The structural change:
The structural changes in iPhone 4G refer to some of these initiatives actually but still, no one is actually certain about this fact. There have been on serious addition inside the phone that might be for the same reason. Apple iPhone 4G has a metal plate integrated into the device that marks the boundary of your phone related technology and the part exposed to you.
Possible uses of metal plate:
There can be two possible assumptions from the metal plates and their use in the practical use:

  • This might be a reflector only just to get the heat deflected from user's face. Smartphone and normal phones do give away a heat emitting feeling when you are making use of the phone. The processors in these smartphones are another source of heat emission and metal plate heat deflector was more of a need.
  • The plate might be there to stop the radio waves from coming into action when you are talking to anyone on the phone. The Wi-Fi, 4G waves and everything might produce enough radiations that can be dangerous. This metal plate can act as a protection and might help countering cancer that is caused by this radiation.
This article about iPhone 4G gadget was written by Jonathan Bertrand. The author is highly interested in gadgets, technology news and reviews and every technology based niche are the scope of the author.

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