Sunday, September 5, 2010

How to download sql server 2005 for windows 7

I have windows 7 OS. Now i want to download sql server 2005, but i don't know what to download. Many web sites are there but what files i have to install i don't know. i need the complete version .I need help
It's 3 days I'm trying to install SqlServer 2005 under Windows 7 64 bit on my computer.
First let me tell you what I've done and what I've got till now .

1-I Installed Windows 7 64 Bit on my computer

2-I tried to install SQl Server 2005 "Developer Edition"

2.1 But in "System Configuration Check" Page i recieved 2 warning , One for "IIS Feature Requirement" and another for "ASP.NET Version Registration Rquired" .

2.1.1 . I installed "Internet Information Services" from "Turn Windows features on or off" section in control panel

2.1.2 I Enabled reporting service 32 bit from "Inetpub=> AdminScripts => adsutil.vbs"
2.2 At this stage There was no waring in System Configuration

3- So I installed SQl Server 2005 Developer Edition By all default settings
4- I installed Sql Server 2005 Service Pack 3 64 bit

Now when when i run "Management Studio" There is no name in "Server name" section . I typed my Computer name Or "." and i got this Error :

A network -related instance-specific error occurred while establishinga connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (Provider: Named Pipes Provider , error :40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server ) ( Microsoft SQL Server , Error :2) .

I googled some for this Error and some people said follow this instruction:

Start>sql server 2005>Configuration tools>Sql Server Surface Configuration Area>Surface Area Configuration for services and Connections

But i got this Error :

No SQl SErver 2005 Components were found on the specified computer . Either no components are installed , or you are not a administrator on this computer (SQLSAC)

I'm really tired because of that , and i don't know what's wrong with this .

Some more information :
I have no additonal software on my computer , like Antivirus or Proxy
I tried all step with "Standard Edition" either , but no difference
My user is Administrator

I tried more than 5 times all those steps including re-installing Windows 7 . Please help me , I'm losing all my hair

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