Friday, September 3, 2010

How to Install and Organizing Your PC

You don't need to take the following steps if you've bought a new PC from a dealer. However, this information is important to know if you want to re-install the PC by yourself.
The first thing you need to do, is go inside the BIOS setup of your computer. You can normally access the BIOS by pressing the function key F2 or F9 on certain computers. Check your motherboard's documentation on how to access the BIOS.
Inside the BIOS, find the option for Boot-Up sequence and choose the CD-Rom as the first device to boot up. This is normally the case when you purchase a computer from a dealer. It means that if you place a CD in the drive, your computer will execute the programs on the CD first, before the hard disk.
Next, put the Windows Operating System CD in the drive to setup your computer. This could be Windows XP or Vista. In one of the screens, you will be asked to partition your hard disks. This means you can now decide how many GBs of hard disk space to assign to the C drive and how many to the D drive.
It's recommended that you assign 20GB for your C drive and the rest to your D drive. 20 GB will be enough to run your operating system and applications which you wish to install.
Make it a rule to always install applications in the C drive and your data in the D drive. This way your hard disk will be organized. You will know not to delete any files in the C Drive which may stop your computer from booting up.
After your operating system is installed, get the disks that came with your computer and other accessories, and install the drivers. For example, drivers for the motherboards, sound card drivers, webcam drivers, printers etc.
Drivers are small applications which allow the devices to work with your computer. A lot of accessories such as sound card, can have their drivers detected and downloaded from the internet. However sometimes the drivers are not correct so it is safer to install drivers that come with the installation disks.
Every time you download an application to use on your PC, store it on the D drive and label it with a folder name that is the same as the application.
So create a folder in your D Drive and label it "Software" and place all your downloaded applications there.
If there's a problem with your application, go the Software folder on your D Drive and just install the application again.
On your D drive, create a folder called Data. You should save all your data in this directory. This includes the spreadsheets, presentation slides, documents, graphics etc.
So if your PC has problems you will know that as long as this folder is restored, none of your data will be lost. You can even start to use a new PC right away by simply restoring this Data folder.
Once you're comfortable that your PC is setup with all the right applications and the folders are nicely structured, you should immediately install an antivirus software to protect it such as AVG.
Run a virus scan immediately to make sure that the whole PC setup is in a healthy state. Once that is done, your next step is to install a mirroring software such as Macrium Reflect.
Create an image of your whole PC and store in your D drive and also on DVDs. Label these DVDs and store it in a safe place. You are now practically safe from a computer disaster.
If there is a fire, your computer hard disk is damaged or it's infected by a vicious virus, you can have your whole PC up and running in no time.
Just reinstall your whole PC again using the image files which you have created and you'll be back in business. Even experienced PC users rarely do this imaging with their computers. You on the other hand can work free from stress knowing that whatever happens, you'll be back on your feet within a few hours.
However, restoring the PC image files requires the computer hardware to be the same. So if your hard disk is damaged and you need to buy a replacement, make sure that you buy the same size and model of hard disk.
Asep Komara Sanjaya is a freelance writer and a webmaster of Home Based Business Resource site

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